


Scholars & Experts
800+ Attendees
Novel Ideas
Co-Chairs of Organizing Committee

Prof GUO Yike
Project Coordinator of the "Building Platform Technologies for Symbiotic Creativity in Hong Kong"
Vice-President (Research and Development), Hong Kong Baptist University
Co-Director of Data Science Institute,
Imperial College London
Fellow of the Royal Academic of
Engineering of the UK
Member of Academia Europaea
Fellow of the Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences

Prof Johnny M POON
Deputy Project Coordinator
Associate Vice-President (Interdisciplinary Research)
Dr. Hung Hin Shiu Endowed Professor in Music
Founding Dean, School of Creative Arts
Hong Kong Baptist University

Prof Henrik Jeldtoft JENSEN
Co-Principal Investigator of the Project
Professor of Mathematical Physics
Leader of the Complexity & Networks Group
Imperial College London

Prof Maosong SUN
Member of Academia Europaea
Co-Principal Investigator of the Project
Professor of Computer Science and Technology
Executive Vice Dean, Institute for Artificial Intelligence Tsinghua University

Prof GUO Yike
Project Coordinator of the "Building Platform Technologies for Symbiotic Creativity in Hong Kong"
Vice-President (Research and Development), Hong Kong Baptist University
Co-Director of Data Science Institute,
Imperial College London
Fellow of the Royal Academic of
Engineering of the UK
Member of Academia Europaea
Fellow of the Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences

Prof Johnny M POON
Deputy Project Coordinator
Associate Vice-President (Interdisciplinary Research)
Dr. Hung Hin Shiu Endowed Professor in Music
Founding Dean, School of Creative Arts
Hong Kong Baptist University

Prof Harry SHUM
The Founding Chairman of International Digital Economy Academy (IDEA)
Fellow of National Academy of
Engineering of the US
Fellow of the Royal Academy of
Engineering of the UK

Prof Marcus du SAUTOY
Simonyi Professor for
the Public Understanding of Science at the University of Oxford

Ms Helen SO
Lead, Arts & Culture,
Our Hong Kong Foundation

Professor of Digital Museology at
the École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)

Prof Jeffrey SHAW
Chair Professor, Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University

Prof dr. Johan F. HOORN
(D. Litt., D. Sc.)

Professor, School of Design and Department of Computing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Prof Mark d’INVERNO
Professor of Computer Science at Goldsmiths
University of London

Mr Mathias WOO
Co-Artistic Director, Zuni Icosahedron
Artistic Director, "Architecture is Art Festival"
Artistic Director, "Z Innovation Lab"

Dr Caleb Chen CAO
Technical Lead, AI Framework and Data Technology Lab, Huawei Hong Kong Research Center

Ms HUANG Chengzi

Mr LI Kefu

Below is the programme of the “Human, Machine, Art, Creativity: An International Symposium”. We will update the details from time to time. Please stay tuned!

Human, Machine, Art, Creativity: International Symposium
9 Aug 2022 (Tue) Theater 1, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (HKCEC)
09:00 Registration

Emcee: Mr. LI Kefu, Ms. HUANG Chengzi
09:30 Welcoming Speech

Dr. Clement C.J. CHEN, GBS, JP
Chairman of the Council and Court, Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU)
09:35 Opening Speech

Mr. John LEE Ka-chiu, GBM, SBS, PDSM, PMSM, JP (Online Speech)
Chief Executive, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR)

Dr. XU Jie (Online Speech)
Deputy Director-General, Department of International Cooperation, Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China

Dr. ZHANG Zhihua (Online Speech)
Director-General, Youth Department, the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the HKSAR

Prof. SUN Dong
Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry, the Government of the HKSAR

Prof. GUO Yike
Chairman of the Organising Committee of the Symposium Vice-President (Research and Development), HKBU
09:55 Opening Ceremony Officiating Guests

Prof. SUN Dong
Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry, the Government of the HKSAR

Dr. Clement CHEN Cheng-jen, GBS, JP
Chairman of the Council and Court of HKBU

Prof. WONG Yuk-Shan, SBS, BBS, JP
Chairman of Research Grants Council

Prof. TANG Tuck Hong, James
Secretary-General of University Grants Committee

Prof. Alexander Ping-kong WAI, JP
President and Vice-Chancellor, HKBU

Prof. GUO Yike
Chairman of the Organising Committee of the Symposium / Vice-President (Research and Development), HKBU

Ms. ZHU Yihua
Deputy Director-General, New Territories Sub-office, the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the HKSAR

Ms. Rosanna Y. T. CHOI
Treasurer of the Council and Court of HKBU

Mr. Mohamed BUTT, MH
Executive Director of Hong Kong Productivity Council

Prof. Johnny M POON
Co-chair of the Organising Committee of the Symposium
Associate Vice-President (Interdisciplinary Research), HKBU
10:00 When AI Meets Art: The Birth of Turing AI Orchestra (with AI Art Performance and Report Presentation)

Prof. GUO Yike
Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering of the UK; Member of Academia Europaea;
Fellow of the Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences;
Project Coordinator; Vice-President (Research and Development), HKBU;
Co-Director of Data Science Institute, Imperial College London

Prof. Johnny M POON
Deputy Project Coordinator, Associate Vice-President (Interdisciplinary Research), Dr. Hung Hin Shiu Endowed Professor in Music, Founding Dean, School of Creative Arts, HKBU
10:45 Break
11:00 Keynote Speech: Creating AI Beings: Challenges and Opportunities

Prof Harry SHUM
Fellow of National Academy of Engineering of the US;
Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering of the UK;
The Founding Chairman of International Digital Economy Academy (IDEA)
11:30 Keynote Speech: The Creativity Code: How AI Is Learning to Write, Paint and Think?

Prof Marcus du SAUTOY
Simonyi Professor for the Public Understanding of Science at the University of Oxford
12:00 Keynote Speech : Ecology and development of Art Technology in Hong Kong

Ms Helen SO
Lead, Arts & Culture, Our Hong Kong Foundation
12:30 Lunch Break    
Theater 1
Theater 2
14:00 Keynote Speech: Deep Fakes – Art and Its Double

Professor of Digital Museology at the École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland

Prof Jeffrey SHAW
Chair Professor, Academy of Visual Arts, School of Creative Arts, HKBU
  Keynote Speech: HK Arts Tech PEA Parctise + Experiment + Application

Mr Mathias WOO
Co-Artistic Director, Zuni Icosahedron; Artistic Director, "Architecture is Art Festival"; Artistic Director, "Z Innovation Lab"
14:30 Keynote Speech: Creative Confluence Theory: Computational Biomimetics as a Cognitive Anti-Fixative

Prof Johan F. HOORN
Professor, School of Design and Department of Computing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  Keynote Speech: Deep Learning over MindSpore: Mind, Vision and Beyond

Dr Caleb Chen CAO
Technical Lead, AI Framework and Data Technology Lab, Huawei Hong Kong Research Center
15:00 Keynote Speech: AI for Musical Creativity – Some Design Challenges

Prof Mark d’INVERNO
Professor of Computer Science at Goldsmiths, University of London
Closing Remark
Prof GUO Yike and Prof Johnny M POON

Funding Organisation
Gold Sponsor
Supporting Organisations (In no particular order)
Event Venue

Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre
1 Expo Drive, Wanchai, Hong Kong
Contact Us
(852) 2788 5750